The official website of the Old Croydonians’ Association.

The 2024 Annual Reunion and AGMwill be held at the BRIT School (formerly the Girls' Grammar School) on Saturday 20 July, from 1230-1700. Details here.
Papers for the AGM will be sent out in advance by email.  If you require a hard copy, please email here.

The 2024 magazine has now gone out.  The 2023 edition will soon be available in password-protected form on the website. The 2022 OCA magazine and all previous issues back to 2005 are already available to paid-up members here.

The Timeline to 2022 is on the website here

If you are not already a member, why not join us by clicking here? You will be most welcome.

For Sustaining Members only, links to password-protected lists of members, alphabetically and by year of joining, are here.

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